PricingMedia Server
Subscription |
Unlimited channels |
Unlimited user connections |
Per 1 server |
No credit card required. Cancel anytime |
Our Subscription plan provides basic tech support and continuous software updates as long as your subscription is active. |
Why don’t I see the prices? you may ask. It’s simple, we want you to try our Media Server first so you can compare us for our service and not for a price on the screen. |
That does not mean that Media Server is expensive, not at all. Our software is not the only thing that will surprise you at the end of your trial! |
Perpetual |
Unlimited channels |
Unlimited user connections |
Per 1 server |
No credit card required. Cancel anytime |
Our Perpetual plan (One-time payment) comes with tech support and continuous software for the first 12 months. |
Request a free trial